Monday, March 10, 2008

The Blind Men and the Elephant?

Alright, I'm working on the blog posting with my review of Tony Jones new book. I'll just say, "It's Excellent" and let you stew on that for awhile.

Meanwhile, I wanted to give everyone an update on my work situation.

It's like the story of the blind men and the elephant. You know, the one where they all feel a different part and have a different perception. Only, this story has a twist.

The elephant left.

So, the blind men are all staggering around, tripping over furniture, and running into each other. They've heard there's an elephant in the room, but no one can seem to find it. Utter chaos.

Welcome to my job. So, what am I in this story? Easy. I'm the fly on the wall watching stunned at the chaos, and shouting with my insignificantly small voice, "The elephant left, Stop, Stop, Stop!!!!" One person heard me, and said, "You're WRONG!!! We were told there's an elephant!! And we will find the elephant!!!" To which I respond, "And what do you intend to do when you FIND the elephant?" The blind man laughs, and says, "We will do what we have always done!"

I really don't know what that means.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, now that I know the elephant has left the building, that explains 1) where Elvis is (atop said elephant) 2) why that sense of awkward silence has left me (along with said elephant). ANd your story seems to be turning into a quite a menagerie; you may want to think of getting into vetenary school.
