She used to tell me, "I can't do much anymore. I can't work with my hands. I can't travel very far. But, I can pray." And, she would. Oh how she would. Her knowledge of the Bible, and her insights into God were unimaginable in their depth. She knew how to examine her own experience and say, "This is what God has done."
One of the last things she "did with her hands" was a quilt for my daughter Arwen's birth. The "Waneta Quilt" is and always has been very special. If it is possible for an inanimate object to exude love...pure.....it's that quilt. Hand stitched, hand cut, hand sewn. And done for one specific person who isn't even a relative.
My good friend, Len, the lead singer of a local rock-band, used to come in to the church and he'd sit on one side of Waneta, while his wife Gina would sit on the other side. Len is tall, but he would just tower over the slight, frail lady next to him. Waneta loved everyone, but always glowed when Len and Gina would sit there.
Part of me grieves. That's always the case. I'm selfish that way.
But a major part of me rejoices!!!! Her pain is gone. Her mind is clear. In this continnuum that is eternal life, she has passed a milestone that is NOT THE END, and has rejoined those who have gone before. LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN!!!!!
I'm crying while I write this. I don't know if it's grief, or joy, or both.
Oh, who am I kidding.....It's both.
Thanks for a beautiful tribute, to beautiful Waneta Shawhan. She really touched so many lives. I miss her, but rejoice in the fact that she is partying in heaven! :) AMEN!
One of the things that I found so refreshing about Waneta was she would say what was on her mind. She was not bashful. This showed up in her conversation, her life, her reflections... she was just so transparent. I loved that about her.
You aren't kidding about her transparency. You knew when she didn't agree with something. HA HA.
I don't know her, but she sounds very much like my grandmother, and on that level I relate.
I'm sorry this soul will be missing from the lives of many people, but I'm happy for her peace and comfort now that she is with her Creator.
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