Who would I marry? Of course, that was pretty well sealed with my High School sweetheart to whom I've now been married 15 years.
What career path would I have? Once again, pretty well sealed as I had been doing computer sciency kinds of things since I was twelve.
I thought about "business" things.
I thought about "family" things.
I thought about "political" things.
I'm going to change the world. I'm going to make a difference. Life is going to be a wild and crazy ride, but I can be in control.
Then, today, I asked my boss a question. And he sent me this....
"I don't know what you're talking about. So, here's a bunny with a pancake on its head."

Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING in college ever prepared me for that.
You can see this for yourself at: http://heresabunnywithapancakeonitshead.com/
Awww that's so sweet. I love bunnies, they are so soft and the have cute little noses that wiggle. When they hop they look SOOO adorable...
Wait...what was the point of this post?
And nothing prepared me for the birthday cake for my supervisor in the shape of a bustier wearing torso with giant boobs.
Strangely fitting... giant boobs, no head... and yet no-one else laughed.
I wish I had a bunny with a pancake instead.
Okay, okay, I get it....it's Oolong!!!!
I had never heard of Oolong the rabbit. But have been repeatedly told that the rabbit in Question is Oolong, and he was known for banlancing things on his head.
Oolong died in 2003. I have no idea what the cause was...I hope he wasn't trying to balance something big...that would be ugly.
My friend, Z's mother was asked several times to make similar cakes with removable "clothing" layers when she worked in a cake shop.
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