Monday, March 24, 2008

Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Dunk....

No, I didn't misspell that....

"Driver blames speeding on bad Oreo dunk"

A friend of mine mentioned that this is the perfect opportunity for Nabisco to jump in with "pre-dunked" Oreos, specifically for drivers! It's all about safety!!!


Anonymous said...

Pre-dunked Oreos would be . . . very messy indeed. How about a little pocket of milk in the middle that explodes (or gently gushes) when you bite into the cookie? That would rock!!


I came here from Erin's blog (Decompressing Faith) after noticing your comment about Journey, and then seeing in your profile that you are a Palahniuk and Queensryche fan. Dude, you could be my long lost brother!

And what a bonus to see that you are a part of the emerging conversation. I have been a religious refugee for several years and am just now finding my way back to faith mainly through the writings of emergent folk like McLaren and Borg (he may be a stretch, but I agree with him more than I disagree). I finished Jones' book a couple weeks ago and found it very interesting. Currently I'm very slowly working my way through An Emergent Manifesto. Insightful indeed.

So, if you don't mind, I'll be hanging around for a bit. It's a pleasure to cross paths with a like-minded traveler.


Anonymous said...


I'm not a real Borg fan...except that he teaches at my alma-mater, Oregon State...GO BEAVS!!! But that doesn't mean that I write him off out of hand, I actually haven't read very much by him...he's on my list.

An Emergent Manifesto of Hope is a great book, but a little disjointed in spots.

Certainly stick around the blogosphere, always good to have more in the conversation!!!!