I brought a couple of books to read. First, I’m finishing the new William Gibson book – Spook Country – which enhances some of the “universe” from his previous book, Pattern Recognition. Second, I brought a Mother Theresa book.

When we are here, our church away from church is the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Chimacum. Pastor Don Peiper and his wife Claudia have become friends over the last 14 years, and we look forward to seeing them and their kids. Don even gave Anne a hug this morning. We’ve stopped standing up when they ask guests to introduce themselves because there are enough people who know who we are. It’s our church away from church. So, notice, the title of this entry is “Vacation is Variety”. Here’s a couple of emerging Christians, regularly attending a lame excuse for a hard core Nazarene church, attending a Lutheran church on vacation, where the guest speaker was Anglican by tradition. I LOVE HOW GOD WORKS!!! The experience is always fruitful to our thought. Once, we attended LCR and the worship was led by a bluegrass band from here on the peninsula – The Dukes of Dabob. (Available to serve in your worship service for a small fee! EXCELLENT!!!)
So, church is important when we are on vacation.

Our 8 year old daughter is doing most of the dinner cooking this week. Yesterday and today, we had hotdogs wrapped in canned biscuit dough and cheese, then baked. We also had salads with lettuce we brought fresh from our garden. It was her first real time fixing dinner for the entire family. She was excellent!!!
Summary: Port Townsend, Beach Condo, Lutheran, Killer Bunnies, Anglican, Biscuit-wrapped Hot Dogs, Mother Theresa.
Any Questions?
Who won? :-)
We took turns. All was well and good until we got attacked with a Cyber-Bunny or a Cruise Missle Prime...which are both "running red cards" that wander counterclockwise through all of your bunnies....usually wiping out everything in their path.
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