Tuesday, December 18, 2007

One More Thing

Julie Jones' initial letter/e-mail was heated, but well intentioned. Her followup was far more loving. Please read the entire thread, not just her initial letter.


Libel, Heresy and Hope....continued

Wow, my last post was certainly "timely". I had no background in this story prior to writing the last entry, but some of my prayers have been answered...ish....kinda.....

While Tony Jones was in Ireland, his wife Julie found Ken Silva's "Apprising Ministries" blog, and found significantly libelous comments about her husband. She drafted an e-mail to Mr. Silva, as he really doesn't show an interest in conversation and doesn't let people comment on his blog. The complete message can be found here:


This in fact did get a response from Mr. Silva. Not exactly a love-fest, but better than a kick in the head. You can read more about the response on Tony's blog.


And, in honor of my respect for the conversation, and my respect for Tony Jones, I am hereby removing the link to Ken Silva's blog from my site. (So as to not increase his hits in Google.) This doesn't mean that I won't continue to read his "counterpoint to everything", but I will not link to it from my page.

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I'm in the midst of a struggle at work, and I just haven't felt inspired.

For true inspiration, and some great writing, check out Erin Word's "Decompressing Faith" and Pam Hogewide's blog....both linked on the side of my page. Oh, and check out Natalie Johnson's comments on the Advent Season over on Multiply.

Come to think of it, check out Scot McKnight's blog (Jesus Creed) for his comments as well!!!!

I'll try and post again before Christmas, but I can't make any promises.
